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Extreme Sports: World Championship Shin Kicking Competition | Cotswold Games
World Shin Kicking Championship Takes Place in the UK
World's Craziest Sports: Fireball, Shin Kicking & More
Brutal SHIN-KICKING World Championships takes place in the Cotswolds after two year break
OW! - The World Shin-Kicking Championships
Shin kicking takes center stage at Cotswold Olimpicks
Shin Kicking World Championship Final
Cotswold Olimpick Games - Zac Warren wins Shin Kicking Contest
Shin Kicking Championships - No Pain, No Gain!
HUGE DAMAGE 😵 ONE's NASTIEST Leg Kicks | Nong-O, Rodtang & MORE!
Cotswolds Olympick Games: The Shin Kicking Championship
Shin Kicking on Trans World Sport